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and tea


follow us on instagram @lilliebeeemporium




G I F T S  .  C A R D S   

T E A   and   T E A W A R E S


J E W E L R Y     

C H I L D R E N ' S  G I F T S


C A N D L E S   

S O A P   and   S C E N T S


A R T  P R I N T S    

B A R W A R E   .   B O O K S


and   M O R E

1 9 5 0  S O U T H  1 1 0 0  E A S T

   S A L T  L A K E  C I T Y,  U T


CURRENT hours:

monday-saturday 11-5

sunday noon-4


Check our instagram below

for special hours or events







2024 was the Bermuda Triangle of years for us-

but 2025 offers a fresh start!

Construction is mostly completed on our portion of the street. (Finally!)  Some landscaping is scheduled to take place in the spring, but shouldn't restrict access to the shop. ​

There are some parts of 21st South where work is ongoing, but still open to traffic.


PARKING has shifted to the opposite side of the street, and we have a shiny new crosswalk. There is also parking for our customers at the laundromat, and on the side streets nearby. 

So, come down and visit us-we are excited to offer popular favorites as well as fresh new items in the shop. Hooray!





2ND FRIDAY of the month


No Art Walk for us January


Join us for Art, Pop-up vendors outside on the lawn, and more!


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l i l l i e  b e e-  a n  e m p o r i u m  of 

t r e a s u r e s and  c u r i o s t i e s

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Here in the heart of historic Sugar House, we are proud to share our neighborhood with a variety of other locally owned businesses catering to folks who believe in the value of keeping small local business communities thriving and vibrant.


We highly recommend a visit to our next door neighbor,

Commerce and Craft,

for unique handmade items. 


Need a little refreshment while you're in the neighborhood?

Try a beverage from one of our neighbors


SUGAR HOUSE COFFEE. Or a hot bowl of soup from the SOUP KITCHEN.

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s h o p p i n g

At Lillie Bee we work with many artisans and vendors large and small, local and worldwide, to fill our shop with unique items.


Whether you're looking for a thoughtful gift, something fun for your home, or something fabulous for yourself, we hope you will enjoy browsing, and finding something you love!








- Across the street
- At the corner Laundromat
- On the neighborhood streets            behind and nearby



ATELIER    341 W Pierpont Ave.

Beautiful gift shop curated by talented local artists featuring their own unique items as well as items from many local vendors.



Saved from demolition, this "secret" garden created in 1945 is tucked in a neighborhood near Trolley Square. It features an eclectic mix of unusual sculptures by stonemason Thomas Child showcasing representations of his LDS religion, including a statue of founder Joseph Smith's head on a sphinx body. Great for weird and uniquely local photos.




exchange onlY, for equal or greater value, UP TO 3 business days after purchase. no cash refunds.

thank you.

We accept Cash, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, most credit and gift cards, and Bank Debit cards accepted by Square. We do not give cash back on card purchases.

L I L L I E   B E E  EMPORIUM gift cards available at the cashier counter.


©2020 by L I L L I E  B E E  EMPORIUM

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